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How Aras Clinched Its Scalability With ReadyAPI
Aras Innovator is an enterprise application used by companies with global manufacturing needs – including Airbus, Denso, Honda, and Microsoft. Aras was already a satisfied customer of TestComplete from SmartBear. When Aras decided to conduct large volumes of API performance and scalability testing, it needed a flexible and easy-to-use tool that would fit into its existing workflow.
That means infrastructure. When you increase the number of simultaneous executions of a test and increase the load, you can run into infrastructure instabilities.
Why Aras Corporation chose ReadyAPI
The team looked at a wide range of products, and came back with a shortlist of possibilities. ReadyAPI not only met, but exceeded, the four main criteria they use for evaluating new software. The merging of quality and support helped Aras build its ReadyAPI implementation.
When it came to a specific project, ReadyAPI drove success. “We spent the first three months focused on education,” Bill Turner, VP of Quality and Support for Aras Corporation explains. “We had to learn the technology and invest in an infrastructure. You can’t just throw this out there and start running on your laptop. This is something you’re making an investment in.”
SmartBear not only provided ReadyAPI, but assistance in learning how to use it. “We had to take teams that were investing in building the server farms and building the virtual machines,” Bill says.
Ultimately, the success of ReadyAPI can be seen in how much time and effort it saves for Aras.
“If it was not for ReadyAPI, I would have had to add over four people to the team,” Bill says. “With ReadyAPI, I was able to conduct my project in 12 months using just two people.”