DPS delivers a prevention-first approach to storage protection that stops ransomware and malware from reaching your data and executing in your environment.

The consolidation of information from various endpoints—whether it’s files from customers, employees, vendors, or partners has transformed critical data repositories into major attack vectors, providing a one-stop-shop for attackers.

DPS from Deep Instinct closes this critical gap in your cybersecurity defence.

Join the Deep Instinct team next Wednesday, November 1st at 3pm GMT to learn more about this groundbreaking new offering, which includes:

  • How storage repositories have become a critical attack vector for “bad actors”
  • Why legacy solutions and storage vendors don’t provide adequate protection for storage repositories
  • How DPS integrates natively with leading network-attached storage solutions, including NetApp Vscan and Dell CAVA
  • Why fighting AI-generated malware with advanced AI-based cybersecurity is the only way to proactively protect your data

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