Thorl Dicker

Vendor Manager

Thorl Dicker

Vendor Manager

A brief overview of your role

Background of 20+ years in sales, management and business development; I handle channel opportunities working with our fantastic Resellers and MSPs to enable and license Quest Software (No.1 Microsoft co-sell ISV globally) a market leading strategic vendor. 

Quest serves the whole of the market from SMB/SME up to large enterprise (90% of the Fortune 500) offering a broad range of solutions across Microsoft platform; M365/Active Directory, Data Protection, Database Management, Storage and Endpoint Management. 

Favourite activity/hobby outside of work

Gardening & Fitness; gym, swim, cycle, racket sport, yoga… (ex personal trainer) 

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?


Favourite place

London (only now I no longer live there!)

Interesting fact that no one knows about you

I featured on Child’s Play the 80’s TV show 

Are there more doors or wheels in the world?

There are more doors if the criteria is something with a hinge that opens and closes.

If you had to sing karaoke, what would your song of choice be?

KISS – Crazy Nights (only need the one song and it does your voice in for the night…and next day) 

Celebrity you would most like to meet

Paul McCartney 

What makes you happy

Being outdoors with the dog

Get in touch with Thorl at or call on +44 (0) 1364 655 200