Warren Powell

Director of Field Sales

Warren Powell

Director of Field Sales

I’m the Director of Field Sales at Climb, heading up a team of Account Directors focused on supporting our partners around the full Climb portfolio to help them successfully grow their business.

Favourite activity/hobby outside of work

Enjoy Cycling, Walking, Kayaking – Always up for any outdoor activity  

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Most definitely Burgers 

Favourite place

I do appreciate a good beach (on a sunny day) 

Interesting fact that no one knows about you

Not all will know … I have sheep, goats, chickens, and ducks that keep me busy on the weekends!

Are there more doors or wheels in the world?


If you had to sing karaoke, what would your song of choice be?

I do not sing!! (can’t) and wouldn’t put anyone through the pain.  

Celebrity you would most like to meet

Ryan Reynolds  

What makes you happy

Time with family and friends 

Get in touch with Warren at wpowell@datasolutions.co.uk or call on +44 7590 182574